

“Plastic Flower”

“As a fintech company and mortgage lender, we value speed, transparency, and certainty throughout the entire home financing process.”

When Colorado-based Neat Loans told us their story, we had to do something wild. We invented a faux company to represent the traditional lending process, rented a downtown Denver office, filled it with boxes of “pending applications” and then, we released the sloths in the the cubicles. Set design was key. This project was about details. Everything in front of the camera was custom made, intentional and aimed to drive home how slow the traditional lending industry is compared to the speed of Neat Loans.

This commercial depicts the problem, portraying everything that Neat Loans is not, in an effort to visually upheave an industry which is decades behind the curve.

Behind the Scenes


Behind the scenes footage provided by our friends at popartfilms

Evan Mann